
i know zuza that it would be great to do this all in english, but i sort of cant since mum wants to read it :)

its been alright so far. i managed to get here fine and now im here. and its sand all over, and the whole university besides new library is full of blocks, small block of houses and it was quite hard for me to get to places yesterday. but today is much easier.

the sun gets up at 6am and i get up around seven. this morning i went jogging and it was in a way funyn since everyone else was on their way to uni and dressed with wintercoats and all. because it is winter.. and its hotter here than in finalnd at summer! and i had a top and shorts. and people were staring at me. they kind of do. which is understandable cause theres about 40 white students, and the rest 15000 are black. but i dont know if ill get used to it or not.

last night i had my first choir rehersals here, it was quite amazing. i think i will enjoy that bit of this fall. today i need to go to town to get me stuff like towels and food and plates an so on. oh yes, and money. since there is only one atm from which i can get money out with mastercard and, of course, i dont remember my pin code to visa electron which WORKS EVERYWHERE in here, i need to get to that special atm to get money.

oh yes and how to get there. they got this minibus service which works as follows: there are mini trucks, sort of or big pick ups and th back is filled with regular chairs. then on you go and the car does not move till its full. oh and there are no bus stops, you should just go into a que, if you see one somewhere near the road. its gonna be good.

im signing off now, and i will write some of this in english in the future as well.
